
For IMI, an international research focus is inextricably linked with effective management training. IMI’s objective is to support companies in a changing world by combining theoretical progress and their implications in business. Indeed, it is believed that close co-operation with the business sector and the alumni network is an essential precondition for any successful business activity. The combination of theory and practice has always been a central element of teaching and is anchored in an integrative manner in the academic programs at IMI.

Research is a major priority at International Management Institute. Historically, IMI’s full-time faculty members have been working on the creation of new knowledge. The aim has been to contribute new insights to the national and international academic communities on one side and to provide innovative contents for teaching on the other side.

The research and publication documents for the period 1995- 2011 bear testimony towards the achievement of IMI Faculty. Many organizations support the research outcomes of the Institute. They cover topics with a regional focus such as South Asia, ACIC (ASEAN,CHINA, INDIA) related disciplines, e.g. sociology, or public management is usually sponsored by both national and international agencies. Furthermore, various national and cultural backgrounds are integrated in national and international networks and thus contribute to the research profile of the Institute. IMI’s Fellow program will groom future high-level researchers by demanding course program and innovative dissertations. In pursuit of high quality research, IMI has embarked on a process of transition and reorganization in order to better meet the need of the stakeholders. All stakeholders are urged to engage and support the efforts by recognizing IMI’s willingness to support productive activity; consider the Institute as a worthwhile partner, as a supplier of research, consultancy and contract training services and generally considering IMI a business partner of choice in appropriate business ventures. IMI is a member of South Asia Network of Economic Research Institutes (SANEI). SANEI is a regional initiative to foster networking and collaboration among economic research institutes in South Asia Initiated in June 1998, SANEI seeks to establish strong research inter-linkages among various economic research institutes in the region with a view to encouraging a better-informed policy-making process.

IMI, is also member of Global Development Network (GDN). GDN is a worldwide network of research and policy institutes working to provide new perspectives to the development challenges of our time. A spin-off the World Bank, GDN works to make policy-relevant research accelerate the pace of global development. The Government of India has granted it the status of international organization. GDN is engaged in research issues related to social and economic development, and encourages researches by providing platform for the research.

IMI’s internationally reputed journal, Global Business Review is another reflection of how the institute has delivered in the past. Global Business Review (Quarterly) is designed to be a forum for the wider dissemination of current management and business practice and research drawn from around the globe but with an emphasis on emerging economics. An important feature is its cross-cultural and comparative approach. Multidisciplinary in nature and with a strong practical orientation, this refereed journal publishes surveys relating to significant developments in management practice drawn from business/commerce, the public and the private sector, and non-profit organizations. The journal also publishes articles which provide practical insights on doing business in India/ Asia from local and global, and micro and macro perspectives. It has a circulations of 12,900 copies (including online) and listed in SCOPUS.