Custom Program Design Process


Discover & Decipher

Exploratory Meeting - Our team shall meet your company representatives for understanding your company's needs

Initial Assessment - Analyse your requirements, goals and understand the target group profile

Assessment Proposal - Based on the initial assessment, a suggested structure and topics of the program in brief are proposed

Diagnose & Design

Explore & Diagnose - Once the assessment proposal is approved, our team would be conducting detailed analysis with the stakeholders and the participants to have a solid understanding of your development needs

Diagnostic Proposal - A diagnostic proposal shall be submitted which would be present the results of the diagnostic exercise and suggestive themes of the topics that have emerged

Design - Post the diagnosis we shall design structure and content of the program to create a fully customizable solution to your needs

Deliver & Debrief

Deliver - There shall be no fixed teaching method and our approach shall be the one which will deliver maximum impact on your employees. Our programs shall be blend of classroom sessions, simulations, role plays, case studies, etc.

Feedback - Post completion of every program we shall capture the feedback of the participants

Debrief - A debriefing is provided at the end of the program to understand the learning journey for the participants and the goals it has attained

Impact Measurement - We would be measuring both qualitative and quantitative impact of the programs on employees and their businesses

Looking forward to working with you!!

Vishwesh Ranjan
Head - Executive Education
Mobile : 8802951430
Phone: (011) 4719 4267 (Direct)