The first three trimesters are essentially devoted to developing understanding of basic concepts across different functional areas to provide an integrated learning experience to the students. This covers Core Compulsory courses across different functional areas of management. Core courses offered in the first year cover the following domains.
The first year also consists of Core Elective courses which a student can choose based on his/her choice of specialization. A minimum of two Core Elective courses have to be chosen by the student in the domains he wishes to specialize. The following courses are offered in the first year.
The first year also consists of Core Elective courses which a student can choose based on his/her choice of specialization. A minimum of two Core Elective courses have to be chosen by the student in the domains he wishes to specialize. The following courses are offered in the first year.
Core Compulsory |
Managerial Communication |
Quantitative Techniques I |
Quantitative Techniques II |
Financial Accounting |
Information Technology for Decision Making |
Managerial Economics |
Operations Management |
Organizational Behavior |
Data Pre-processing for Analytics |
Financial Management |
Macro-Economic Theory & Policy |
Business Strategic & Competitive Advantage |
Marketing Management |
Legal Aspects of Business |
Cost & Management Accounting |
Core Elective |
Marketing Management core elective |
Financial Management core elective |
Corporate Strategy core elective |
Operations Management core elective |
Analytics core elective |
Though this program is a general management program student can choose elective courses in their stream of specialization in the second year. Specialization is offered in the following areas:
A combined list of electives offered for the three PGDM programs is provided at the end of the brochure.
Summer Internship Program (SIP)
On completion of the first year, all students are required to undergo a Summer Internship Program of 8 to 10 weeks duration. This helps them to gain hands-on experience in the application of management concepts and functional skills. This practice of ‘Learning by Doing’ enables the student to relate the rigor of theory in the world of business. The students work on projects specified by the company in which they undergo SIP. At the end of the summer internship, which is done under the supervision of a company executive and a faculty mentor, students are required to submit a report to the company and to the institute. The concerned company executive normally provides feedback to the Institute on the student’s performance. Successful completion of Summer Internship Program is an essential requirement for the award of Post-Graduate Diploma at IMI New Delhi.
Faculty members at IMI New Delhi enjoy academic freedom to adopt appropriate pedagogy for imparting education in respective courses. Pedagogy is normally a combination of lectures, case discussions, presentations, assignments and project work. The primary emphasis is on interactive and participative methods of learning. Faculty members for all the programs are primarily in-house from the Institute but may also include adjunct or visiting faculty members. Guest lectures from industry practitioners are also organized regularly to expose students to the current business environment and practices
Schedule of Classes
Classes for the PGDM program are held every day starting from 9 am in the morning and can extend up to late evening hours, including weekends, to suit the requirements of the program. Each class is of 90 minutes duration. Attendance in all classes is compulsory. Classes shall tentatively begin from the 2nd/3rd week of June.