Reena  Nayyar

Finance and Accounting

Reena  Nayyar

  • Ph. D. Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, 2011 
  • Master of Commerce, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, 2004
  • Bachelor of Commerce, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, 2002 

Reena  Nayyar

  • Presently working at the International Management Institute New Delhi since April 2019.
  • Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi from June 2018 – April 2019.
  • International Management Institute New Delhi from November 2016 – May 2018.
  • Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak from October 2013 – October 2016.
  • Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode from March 2011 – October 2013.
  • Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar from July 2010 – March 2011.
  • Mata Ganga Girls College, Tarn Taran, Punjab from July 2004 – March 2005

Visiting Teaching Assignments

  • Indian Institute of Management, Amritsar
  • Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak
  • NTPC, PMI, Noida
  • CRPF Academy, Gurugram
  • Bharat Electronics Limited: Academy of Excellence

Reena  Nayyar

Reena Nayyar Professor (Finance) at IMI, has over fourteen years of experience in research, teaching, and corporate training. Her areas of teaching interest are Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Advanced Financial Management, and Advanced Financial Statements Analysis. Her research interest is value creation in mergers & acquisitions, corporate governance, and start-ups. She has published research papers in journals of national and international repute like Decision, Journal of IIM Calcutta; Vikalpa, Journal of IIM Ahmedabad; International Journal of Commerce and Management, Emerald; Journal of Product and Brand Management, Emerald; International Business Review, Elsevier; Emerging Markets Review, Elsevier; Journal of Futures Market, Elsevier, Managerial Finance, Emerald. She has also been part of various training programs conducted for the executives of Oil India Limited, NTPC PMI, CRPF, and Bank of India. She can be reached at: or


Reena  Nayyar

Kohli R. and Singh, B. S. M. (2008), “Empirical Analysis of Bank Mergers in India: A Study of Market versus Non-Market Driven Merger”, Decision, Journal of IIM Calcutta, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 47-73.

Kohli R. and Singh, B. S. M. (2009), “HDFC Bank and CBoP Merger: A Quest for Growth”, ICFAI Journal of Mergers and Acquisitions, Vol. 06, No. 1, pp. 38-59. 

Kohli R. and Singh, B. S. M. (2009), “Impact of Mode of Payment and Insider Ownership on Target and Acquirer's Announcement Returns in India”, Vikalpa, Journal of IIM Ahmedabad, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 51-66.

Kohli R. and Singh, B. S. M. (2011), “Target Wealth Creation in Domestic and Cross Border Acquisitions in India”, International Journal of Commerce and Management, Emerald, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 63-81.

Kohli R. and Singh, B. S. M. (2012), “Do Brand Acquisitions Create Wealth for Acquiring Company Shareholders? Evidence from India”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Emerald, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 265-274, ISSN No.: 10610421. 

Kohli R. and Singh, B. S. M. (2012), “Analyzing Determinants of Wealth Creation in Domestic and Cross Border Acquisitions in India”, International Business Review, Elsevier, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 998-1016, 

Kohli R. and Singh, B. S. M. (2013), “Analyzing the Likelihood and the Impact of Earnout Offers on Acquiring Company Wealth Gains in India”, Emerging Markets Review, Elsevier, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 203-222. 

Kohli R. (2013), “Analyzing the long run financial performance of cross border acquisitions of Indian acquiring companies and determinants there of”, Amity Global Business Review, Vol. March 2013, pp. 37-42

Kohli R. (2014), “The Promise of a New Beginning”, Economy and Industry, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 14-17, Business Standard.

Kohli R. (2015), “Financing Strategies and Shareholders’ Risk in Cross Border Acquisitions in India”, International Journal of Commerce and Management, Emerald. Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 294-308.
Mohil, S., Patro, A. and Nayyar, R. (2019), "Options availability effect on informed trading in M&As", Managerial Finance, Vol. 45, No. 10/11, pp. 1382-1397. ABDC, B category; Scopus; ESCI indexed, Emerald publications.

Mohil, S., Nayyar, R. and Patro, A. (2020), “When is informed trading more prevalent?—An examination of options trading around Indian M&A announcements”, Journal of Futures Market, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 1011-1029.

Reena  Nayyar

Presented Research Paper titled “Motivations for Mergers and Acquisition” at PCMA-Desh Bhagat in UGC Sponsored National Seminar held on July 31st, 2005.

Presented Research Paper titled “Knowledge Management Practices in Indian Companies: A Case of Wipro Technologies” at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University in UGC Sponsored National Seminar held on January 6th-7th, 2007.

Presented Research Paper titled “Earnouts: A Risk Mitigating Strategy in Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions” at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore in conference organized by Strategic Management Forum on May 27th-29th, 2009.

Presented Research Paper titled “Building Entrepreneurship at the Bottom of the Pyramid” at Punjabi University, Patiala in UGC Sponsored National Seminar held on November 27th-28th, 2009.

Presented Research Paper titled “Changing Corporate Strategies in Response to Global Economic Crises in Emerging Markets with Special References to India”, at VII AIB-India International Conference organized by IILM Graduate School of Management, Greater Noida on December 17th-19th, 2009.

Presented Research Paper titled “Acquiring Company Wealth Gains in Cross Border Acquisitions in India” at Indian Institute of Management, Noida in conference organized by Strategic Management Forum on May 27th-29th, 2010.

Presented Research Paper titled “Impact of Earnout Offers on Acquiring Company Wealth Gains in India” in Indian Finance Conference organized by Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore in December, 2011

Presented Research Paper titled “Analyzing the Long Run Performance of Cross Border Acquisitions in India”, International conference on Global Strategies for an Emergent India organized by Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode in December, 2012

Presented Research Paper titled “Analyzing the likelihood of Earnout Offers in India”, in Indian Finance Conference organized by Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad in December, 2013

Presented Research Paper titled “Do Target Shareholders Gain in Cross Border Acquisitions: An Indian Experience” in Pan IIM World Management Conference, held at Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode in November, 2014

Presented Research Paper titled “Mode of payment and risk in cross border acquisitions in India” in Pan IIM World Management Conference, held at Indian Institute of Management, Indore in December, 2015

Presented Research Paper titled “Sun Pharma and Ranbaxy Merger: To go bigger than the market and better than the past” in National Conference on Emerging Themes in Strategy, held at MDI Gurgaon in February, 2016

Presented research paper titled “Impact of corporate governance structure on insider trading around M&A announcements of optioned Indian acquirers” PAN IIT International Management Conference, Nov 30 – Dec 02, 2018 at IIT Roorkee, Uttrakhand, India.

Presented research paper titled ‘“Insider trading in optioned acquirers under matching date condition: an Indian perspective” at World Finance & Banking Symposium – Taichung, Taiwan, December 13th-14th, 2018 at Asia University, Taichung.

Presented research paper titled 'Options market and informed trading in M&As: An empirical examination of Indian acquiring companies”, at Sixth Pan IIM World Management Conference, December 13-15, 2018 at IIM, Bangalore. Received the best paper award.

Presented Research Paper titled “Diminishing returns to acquiring companies in cross border acquisitions in India” at India and China: Economic, Social and Cultural Perspective, December 17-18, 2018 at IMI New Delhi, India. Received the best paper award.

Presented Research Paper titled 'Does M&A announcement and options expiry alignment affect insider trading: Analysis of Indian acquiring companies', at India Finance Conference, during December 20-22, 2018 at IIM, Calcutta. 

Presented Research Paper titled ‘The Information Value of Altman Model in Predicting Bankruptcies: Empirical Evidence from the US Post the Subprime’, at INDAM- Jointly organized by IIM Trichy and Indian Academy of Management during January 1-4, 2020

Review Assignments 

Reena  Nayyar

Administrative responsibilities held:

Chairperson, Sexual Harassment Committee at IIM Kozhikode   

Chairperson, Financial Advisory & Investment Committee  at IIM Rohtak       

Chairperson, Fellow Program in Management at IIM Rohtak

Courses Taught

Financial reporting and analysis

Advanced financial statement analysis

Cost and Management Accounting

Financial management – 1

Financial management – 2

Empirical research in accounting (FPM course)

Empirical research in finance (FPM course)

Empirical research in mergers and acquisitions (FPM course)

Visiting Teaching Assignments

Indian Institute of Management, Amritsar

Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak

NTPC, Power Management Institute, Noida