Swati Tripathi  

OB and HR
Assistant Professor

Swati Tripathi  

PhD in Psychology from Department of Psychology, University of Delhi

Swati Tripathi  

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi (August 2018-November 2022)
Junior Research Fellow, HUSS, IIT Delhi (October, 2012- March 2014)
Consultant Psychometrician, Central Test International, Hyderabad (May 2010-October 2010)

Swati Tripathi  

Dr. Swati Tripathi is an academician with considerable experience in teaching and research. She is also actively involved with the industry as an external consultant specifically in the area of test development. She has obtained her PhD in Psychology from Department of Psychology, University of Delhi and has a master’s degree in Psychology with specialization in Organizational Behavior from the Department of Psychology, University of Delhi as well. As part of her doctoral thesis, she examined the role of organizational climate and organizational politics in achieving organizational effectiveness. Due to her training in the field of Psychology, her approach to organizational behaviour is employee-centric, focusing on idiosyncrasies and peculiarities of one’s organizational existence. Her research interest lies in micro-organizational approach to understanding organization-employee relationships with special focus on personal values, political motivations, political behaviours and their impact on the bigger picture. She has published articles in international journals including International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Evidence-based HRM and Technology in Society. Apart from these projects, she has also delivered book chapters and several international conference presentations in the recent years. In the past, she has taught at undergraduate level at University of Delhi as an assistant professor for several years. She has also worked as a research fellow with IIT Delhi and had a brief stint in the industry as a consultant psychometrician. Of all the areas, she enjoys teaching and research the most, albeit not always in the same order. Her teaching philosophy focuses heavily on perennialism and incremental improvement which she has realized is also her life philosophy. She believes that individual differences in learning must be respected, and the learning curve of students must depict their depth of cognition, analytical bend and imaginative powers. All in all, her aim is to make her classes an open-minded, discussion-driven, high-expectations laden space that students feel welcomed into.

Swati Tripathi  

  • Tripathi, S. & Tripathi, D (2023). When do employees manipulate? Investigating the interplay of power value, political will and hierarchy. International Studies of Management and Organization (Ahead of print). Doi:10.1080/00208825.2023.2207920
  • Tripathi, S. & Tripathi, D (2022). Organizational climate and organizational politics: Understanding the role of employees using parallel mediation. Evidence-based HRM: A Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship, 10(3), 241-256. Doi: 10.1108/EBHRM-08-2020-0107
  • Tripathi, S., Kedia, S, Chakraborty, S. & Piplani, D (2022). Machiavellianism and unethical decision making: exploring the mediating role of moral disengagement among Indian youth. In G. Nirban & C. Christy K.J. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Research Initiatives (pp. 116-134). Star publications, New Delhi.
  • Tripathi, D., Tripathi, S & Pushpendra, P. (2022). The role of servant leaders in sustainable development. In Dhiman, S.K., Roberts, G.E. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Servant Leadership. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-69802-7_21-1
  • Tripathi, S. (2022). Gender and Organizational Culture: Changing the vantage point. SocArXiv. Preprint. Doi: 10.31235/osf.io/5w32n
  • Tripathi, S. & Tripathi, D (2021). Investigating the Mediating Role of Political Will in the Relationship between Organizational Characteristics and Use of Political Tactics. International Journal of Organizational Analysis (Ahead of print). Doi: 10.1108/IJOA-07-2020-2306
  • Tripathi, S & Bajpai, A. (2021). Living in today’s world: Reflections on the interactions between technology and human relational patterns. Technology in Society, 67(2). Advance online publication. Doi: 10.1016/j.techsoc.2021.101706

Swati Tripathi  

  • Tripathi, S. & Tripathi, D. (2022). Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable development: An Interplay of Green Strategy, Green Innovation, Prosocial Motivation and Knowledge Sharing, European Academy of Management (EURAM), 15th-17th June, 2022, Zurich. (Accepted)
  • Tripathi, S. (2022). Benevolent Political Will and Job Satisfaction: A Restricted Nonlinearity Perspective, National Academy of Psychology (NAOP), 4th-6th March, 2022, IIT Bombay. (Accepted)
  • Tripathi, S. (2022). I dislike it because I choose to: Exploring the moderating effect of self-determination and tenure on the relationship between conservation values and social desirability of non-sanctioned political tactics, presented at a 3 day international conference on ‘Positive Psychology and Modern Organizations: Western and Oriental Approaches’, 9th International HR Conference and Workshop, K J Somaiya Institute of Management, 3-5 February, 2022, Mumbai.
  • Tripathi, S. (2022). Moderated Mediation between Stimulation Value and Job Satisfaction: The Role of Perceptions of Politics, Machiavellianism and Self-Serving Political Will, presented at a 3 day international conference on ‘Triple Bottom Line, Developing Business Resilience, Ecological Sustainability and Social Well-being in Post-Pandemic World’, 7th Biennial Conference of INDAM, IIM Rohtak, 7-9 January, 2022. Rohtak.
  • Tripathi, S. & Tripathi D. (2021). Thriving in a Political Arena: Political Will as a Mediator of Organizational Structure and Political Tactics, presented at a 3 day international conference on ‘Responsible Business for Sustainable Development’, 8th Pan IIM World Management Conference, IIM Kozhikode, 16-18 December, 2021. Kozhikode.
  • Tripathi, S. (2021). Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development: A micro-foundational approach towards building a conceptual framework, presented at a two day multidisciplinary conference on ‘Investing in our water future: Opportunities and challenges’, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi, 9-10 March, 2021. New Delhi.
  • Tripathi, S. & Bajpai, A. (2017). Gender and organizational culture: Changing the vantage point, presented at 3 day national conference on ‘Emerging forms of Vulnerabilities: Dialogues, discourses and debates’, Department of Psychology, University of Delhi, 7-10 March, 2017. New Delhi.
  • Tripathi, S. (2016). Technology and relationships: Exploring a change in human relational patterns, presented at two day ICSSR sponsored national conference on ‘Being and living in a relational world’, IIT Delhi, 22-23 March, 2016. New Delhi.